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Thursday, February 11, 2010


Hey guys! So I decided to make a blog so I can remember everything I do in New Zealand and so you can all see what I'm up to since I won't be able to talk that frequently! I can't believe there are only a few days left until I go. It seems like just yesterday Court left for Ghana, but then again I feel like I've been home forever... which I kind of have. Although a very long winter break, it was a fun one, definitely got to bond with the family and it was nice to relax... and have time for the gym :) Packing is a slow process but I'm almost done.. so far I have one bag that is 50 pounds exactly... now onto the next! We'll see if I can do it since I have severe packing problems.

My flight leaves for New Zealand Sunday morning at 7AM... we have to be there at 5 so we're driving up to JFK Saturday night to get a few hours of sleep. From there I'm off to San Frannn for a lovely 7 hour layover. Thank god I have Kara to venture the city with! Should be a fun and lovely 63 degree weather day (Yes, I love my 10 day forecasts). And high 70's once we get to New Zealand!!! MY FAVE WEATHER. So our flight from San Francisco is 13 or so hours... and we get to New Zealand at 5AM their time. AKA I'm going to be exhausted. The time difference is 18 hours ahead.... or 6 hours behind the next day. Pretty crazy. IM SO PUMPED AHHH

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